Tummy Tuck

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Tummy Tuck

With six pack abs in fashion, flat looking tummy is everyone's dream. But with age and fat deposits the tummy acquires a bulging shape. The problem is more pronounced in ladies due to natural tendency of weight gain and following pregnancies, where in addition to the fat accumulation, the muscles also become loose further compounding the problem.

Tummy Tuck surgery or abdominoplasty helps in regaining the flat shape of abdomen. While planning the surgery special care is taken that the scares resulting after the surgery remain hidden in your preferred dress. In addition to a flat tummy, the additional benefit of this surgery is that scares in lower part of abdomen like previous LSCS scar, appendix scar or stretch marks are also removed .

There are no long term side effect of the procedure and no contraindications for future pregnancies. The procedure can also be combined with other surgeries like gall bladder surgery, surgery for removal of uterus(hysterectomy).